Well, I'm not kicking off the new year very healthfully. At some point last night, I developed a sore throat and a mild cough. Not anything to get worked up about, but also not something that I want to allow to get worse. So, I did what most people do. I headed down to my local CVS and bought them out of all things throat and cough related. Cough Drops, Airborne, Vitamin C lozenges, Zinc lozenges. I spent the rest of the night popping these things like they were candy. In fact, with all the cool flavors they have nowadays, it kind of was candy.
So, of course, a little bit of guilt swept over me. Oh man, have I just given myself a free pass to have candy all night? Well, let's check out the nutritional content comparisons.
Halls Menthol Drop, 15 calories, 4g of carbs.
Sweettart candy, 7.5 calories, 1.75g of carbs.
Holy crap! Other than the soothing effervescent feeling that I get from the cough drop, I might as well sit in front of the TV popping packets of sugar! Now to be fair, I could probably eat about triple the number of Sweettarts as I could cough drops.
I wonder about what the better options for soothing a sore throat are. I suppose I could sip on ginger lemon tea all night, but I think I would wake up several times for trips to the bathroom. No, I think I need sound uninterrupted sleep.
The other downside to having a cold is the difficulty in engaging in any physical activity. I don't want to jog around the block and work up a sweat for fear that I'm going to break out in a full blown flu.
Oh well, I guess I have to get well, then hit the gym extra hard.