Saturday, January 27, 2007

Gym, Diet and Weigh In

We went to the gym today! Woohoo! So, that's what it looks like inside. Seriously, I don't think we have been since before the holidays. In fact, I think I got actual exercise about three or four times in the last six weeks. Oh well, no sense beating myself up over it. Just gotta keep at it.

I made some vegetable soup last night. If you want the "recipe" and I'm using that word rather loosely, It's over on my personal finance blog, It's Just Money. A couple of alterations from the norm. I bought a bag of frozen shelled edamame (soy beans), and also threw in a bundle of spinach. Good stuff. Filling, yummy and incredibly lo-cal/lo-carb.

Well, I'm not sure if it was the soup or the gym, but my numbers improved.

Weight: 191 lbs.
Body Fat: 30.1%



AmandaG said...

Good luck! Just keep at it and by the time you know it you'd never believe you were 190 lbs.

LAMoneyGuy said...

Thanks Amanda! You know, I just started, but I already feel better. I played basketball last night, and I felt a step quicker.